This cloud service offers a "Free up storage" feature that deletes duplicates on
your device in the interests of maximizing its storage capacity.
anytime, anywhere
You can access uploaded files from a smartphone, tablet or
computer wherever you may be.
And you can use the app's "Auto-upload" feature for
pictures and videos.
Remarks: If you use the mobile data to transmit the document(s) between your device and the uHub plus, the relevant mobile data usage will be deducted from and/or charged to your mobile data subscription.

mobile storage space
The "Free up storage" feature helps you check uploaded
pictures and videos and will delete duplicates in portable devices,
thereby saving storage space.
It only takes a few steps to use this online photo-printing service (FOTOMAX photofinishing)* and collect your photos from a designated FOTOMAX store.
* Minimum charge per order is HK$30.
You can now browse files via the "File Manager Settings" on your Windows PC or Mac. In addition, you can place files into shared folders with permission to auto-sync. Files will then become available to view on other devices.

Share multiple files
You can share multiple files throughout
social networking sites or instant
messaging tools via a hyperlink. Sharing, viewing
and downloading suddenly becomes easier.