1. Who can subscribe to Gamer Pack service?
Gamer Pack service is applicable to designated NETVIGATOR 1000M or above Fiber-to-the-Home customers.
2. How do I subscribe?
Simply go to this website or call our hotline 2888 0008. Subscribers may have to reboot the modem on the day service is activated.
3. When will service be activated, once I have registered?
We aim to contact you within 24 hours of registration. We will confirm the service activation date with you at that time.
4. Is it only 1000M, or higher plan, customers who are eligible to subscribe to Gamer Pack?
We will consider offering the service to other NETVIGATOR users in the near future.
1. Which online games are covered by the low-latency guarantee?
We review and update the online game list covered by low latency guarantee on a regular basis. The latest list will be shown at the Gamer Pack website.
2. Is the money-back guarantee applicable to issues originating with game providers or game servers?
It is applicable to round-trip latency measured from a NETVIGATOR broadband line through to specified server locations relating to a certain game provider. This will be published on NETVIGATOR’s list of benchmark destinations, as set out at the Gamer Pack website (please refer to money-back guarantee in Terms and Conditions).
3. Can the ping be guaranteed if I use wireless, HomePlug or a VPN?
The money-back guarantee is applicable only to 1000M, or higher grade, FTTH via a wired connection (Please refer to the money-back guarantee in Terms and Conditions).
4. Does the Gamer Pack enhance network speed?
Key features of the Gamer Pack are low-latency monitoring and a guarantee in relation to specific online games at designated locations. We do not claim Gamer Pack enhances network speed.
5. How can I get the discounted offers after subscribed Gamer Pack?
You may be entitled to discounted offers for certain game peripherals at our HKT online shop or other channels as we may designate from time to time. To ensure you will receive our latest offers, you are advised to opt in to receive notices including any promotional gifts, discounts, products, services, benefits, offers and materials related to your NETVIGATOR services (including Gamer Pack) for direct marketing.
6. What is “Annual Event Pass” and its validity period?
“Annual Event Pass” is the new privilege for Gamer Pack paid customers. Customer may be entitled to one (1) or more admission ticket(s) for certain gaming or other event(s) as we may designate from time to time during the validity period of the Pass.
“Annual Event Pass” is generally valid for one (1) year (unless otherwise stated), from the commencement date of your Gamer Pack service (or such other date as we may designate). If your Gamer Pack service is subject to a commitment period, you may be entitled to Annual Event Pass for the whole term of your commitment period. Customers who have subscribed to designated Gamer Pack service with no commitment will also be entitled to Annual Event Pass until the service is terminated.
Relevant terms and conditions apply. -
7. What kinds of services are covered by online feedback support?
We will help whenever a customer encounters a technical issue while playing online games, such as unstable or unusual network latency. You simply need to login and complete the online feedback form. We will respond as soon as possible after investigating.
8. Why does NETVIGATOR describe round-trip latency as "average", when users complain about higher-than-average game latency during peak hours?
Latency is affected by a variety of external factors. If users suspect a network latency issue, we suggest they login to the Gamer Pack website and make a technical inquiry via the online survey. We will reply as soon as possible. The guaranteed round-trip latency published by NETVIGATOR is based on use of the most representative server. This latency may be slightly different to the case some users are talking about.
9. Is Gamer Pack service applicable to other video game consoles such as PlayStation and Xbox?
Gamer Pack service is currently applicable only to computers. We will review and expand service coverage in the forseeable future.
1. What is the claim procedure?
Submit a completed online claim form at Gamer Pack’s website, along with documentary proof, within seven business days of the date round-trip latency was measured. Upload any two items of documentary proof (screen capture or photos) from the items listed below:
i. In-game network latency value
ii. Gamer Pack network latency monitoring reading showing actual network latency value, and
iii. Ping proof and/or Traceroute command
Round-trip latency measurement data must be consistently greater than the slower end of the guaranteed round-trip latency we specify at the Gamer Pack website for at least two consecutive hours and includes each measurement (ie at the start, the end and the period between end and start), captured 60 or fewer minutes from the previous measurement. -
2. How many supporting documents need to be uploaded if my latency claim period is between 14:00 to16:00? What are the document-type specifications? Will the document need a time stamp?
Capturing three measurements and providing at least two items of documentary proof, as specified, means you need to upload six measurements in total.
If your latency claim period is between 14:00 to 16:00, you should provide documentary proof along the lines of the three measurements listed below:
i. At the start (14:00);
ii. The end (16:00), and
iii. The period between the start and finish (15:00).
You need to upload two items of documentary proof (screen capture or photos) from the items listed below:
i. In-game network latency value;
ii. Gamer Pack network latency monitor reading showing actual network latency value; and
iii. Ping proof and/or Traceroute command
We suggest ZIP or RAR file format, and each capture/photo should display a computer clock date and time stamp. -
3. How do I calculate the money I should get back if my latency claim period is between 23:00 and 01:00?
You will be entitled to make a claim for one day – eg monthly rate of $68/30-day x 1 day x 2 times = $4.6
4. Can I get a latency value history?
No such tool is currently available.
5. What response time can I expect after submitting an online claim? And what communications channel is used?
We aim to respond within 10 business days mainly by email or phone.